Social emotional learning leads to improved academic outcomes and long-lasting behaviors. Using literature can be a great way to allow students a safe pathway to experience different perspectives, emotions, and ideas. Perfection Learning offers a vast array of titles that will help students explore.

Social Emotional Learning Classroom Libraries

Grades K–12

Develop students' SEL skills with books aligned to the CASEL Framework

Literature can be a valuable way to integrate SEL skills into current classroom content. Books can be powerful tools for developing SEL skills by helping students:

  • Understand and manage their emotions.
  • Develop social and relationship skills.
  • Foster empathy, perspective-taking, and social awareness.
  • Build self-awareness, self-regulation, and decision-making skills.

Grade-Level Collections

The title in these grade K–12 collections cover a wide range of reading level, topics, and genres to encourage all students on the road to becoming successful, life-long readers.

Grade K Grade 4 Grade 7 Grade 10
Grade 1 Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 11
Grade 2 Grade 6 Grade 9 Grade 12
Grade 3      

Classroom Libraries

Award Winners

Hundreds of award-winning titles organized by the award received.

Bilingual Titles: Spanish/English

Give students reading Spanish and English the opportunity to use both of their languages to improve literacy skills. Featuring a mix of fiction and nonfiction.

Cover-to-Cover Hi-Lo Books

Reading success for struggling readers and English learners. Motivate your students' reading with high-interest titles written for students reading at least two levels below grade level.

ELL Grade-Level Collections

Accelerate proficiency in English language and literacy skills with carefully-selected books representing varying proficiency levels.

Essential Voices Classroom Libraries

Engage all your students in independent reading through these diverse, inclusive collections

Favorite Characters

Beloved, familiar characters generate a built-in audience and keep kids reading!

Favorite Series

Readers return to a familiar world and cherished characters.

Graphic Fiction & Nonfiction Titles

Professionally-selected graphic novels for reluctant and striving readers.

Inch and Miles

Timeless teachings from coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.

Spanish Classroom Libraries

Professionally-selected classroom collections of Spanish titles for your ELLs support students in becoming active, independent readers.

Teacher Resource Digital Library

Unlimited building access for one year to over 1,300 reproducible literature guides and tests for popular novels and nonfiction.