1Developed with Leading Experts

AMSCO® Advanced Placement® coursebooks exemplify our approach to developing solutions. Our authors, consultants, and reviewers serve as College Board Consultants, APSI Instructors, Table Leaders, Exam Readers, and AP® test-item writers. Their teaching experience, in-depth content knowledge, and experience with College Board curriculum and exams are the reason our coursebooks are the number one choice of AP® teachers across the country.

2Built on Learning Science

Evidence-based research.
Cognitive psychology, learning strategies, and acquired skills incorporated.
  • RETRIEVAL and SPACED PRACTICE enhances recall and consolidates understanding.

  • FREQUENT FEEDBACK develops students' metacognitive abilities and helps them become self-directed learners.

  • INTERLEAVING increases content mastery.

  • EMBRACING DIFFICULTIES builds perseverance.

3Classroom Tested

What happens once we publish materials? We listen and learn!

We are constantly looking for ways to improve your classroom experience. As a result, we change and adapt based on what you need so the materials we publish today are based on countless hours of real classroom use.

"The more I used the text [Literature & Thought] with the students, the more impressed I became. I enjoyed this more than any other text in my years of teaching."

—English/Drama Teacher
Shenandoah Valley Academy
New Market, Virginia

"I've used the AMSCO® book in AP® U.S. History for over a decade. It is written by classroom teachers which makes it particularly practical and useful for relevant review."

—Social Studies Department Chair
Lincoln Northeast High School
Lincoln, Nebraska

"I really liked the digital text because it was interactive. The animations helped me see what the problem would look like in physical reality and made the material more interesting."

—High School Student
Seattle, Washington