
Accessibility—Reach All AP® Students

Image of Understanding the Context to showcase Readability and streamlined contentImage of Understanding the Context to showcase Readability and streamlined content


Making college-level content accessible to high school students is of the utmost importance in ensuring success. Each coursebook is carefully written and designed to ensure all students:

  • Comprehend key ideas.
  • Learn and use concept vocabulary.
  • Build their analytical and writing skills.

Streamlined Content

Each coursebook is built to meet the specific thematic learning objectives as well as the Key Concepts, Key Topics, or Enduring Understandings for each unit. As a result, the depth and breadth of content coverage aligns precisely with the AP frameworks and exams.

Scaffolded Learning Tasks

AMSCO® curriculum builds capacity, without sacrificing rigor, and supports students to develop the content knowledge and skills they need to be successful.

  • In early chapters, guiding questions accompany primary sources to build a particular analytical skill.
  • Initial inquiry and essay tasks are designed to be narrow in scope, allowing students to master smaller skills first.
  • Instruction and tasks to develop disciplinary practices and reasoning skills move from simple to complex as students gain competence.
Image of students working togetherImage of students working together

translation of text into Spanish with Immersive Readertranslation of text into Spanish with Immersive Reader

Adaptive Reading Support

Interactive editions, with built-in Immersive Reader support, enable students to use a wealth of personalized tools to comprehend course content.

  • Translate and listen to the text in over 75 languages.
  • Customize readability by changing font type, size, and background color.

Streamlined Note Taking

Help students move from skimming and scanning to extracting key concepts, identifying events/developments, and formulating questions for further study. All highlights and notes are captured automatically in a running notebook—perfect for study and exam preparation.


Image Note taking in Immersive ReaderImage Note taking in Immersive Reader

Advanced Placement® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.