
Developed with Leading Experts

  • AMSCO® authors and reviewers are known throughout the country as teachers and leaders within their respective disciplines.
  • Serving as College Board® Consultants, APSI Instructors, Table Leaders, Exam Readers, and Test-Item Writers for Advanced Placement exams, our authors and reviewers have deep content knowledge, strong pedagogy skills, and in-depth understanding of College Board curriculum frameworks and exams.
image of ap social studies book coversimage of ap social studies book covers

photo of laura brandtphoto of laura brandt

Laura Brandt

College Board Table Leader, AP® Reader, APSI Instructor, IB Psychology Examiner, Teacher of the Year Finalist

photo of christopher hallphoto of christopher hall

Christopher Hall
Contributing Author

College Board Test Developer and Consultant, NCGE Distinguished Geography Teacher 2007

photo of john maunuphoto of john maunu

John Maunu

1989 National Christa McAuliffe Fellow, College Board Consultant, APSI Instructor

photo of david palmerphoto of david palmer

David Palmer
Senior Consultant

College Board National Consultant and Test Developer, NCGE Distinguished Geography Teacher 2012

photo of charles d schallhornphoto of charles d schallhorn

Charles D. Schallhorn

Contributing Author

30 year teacher, AP® Psychology Reader, College Board Presenter, Curriculum Developer on

photo of david wolffordphoto of david wolfford

David Wollford

AP® U.S. Government and Politics Reader, James Madison Fellow, National Board Certified Teacher.


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