
Word Study in Context

Develop word study skills in less than 15 minutes per day

Build word power through high-quality contemporary and classic literature, nonfiction, essays, and primary source texts. Each literature-based lesson focuses on ten Master Words with seven exercises of increasing complexity to extract meaning, apply vocabulary skills and strategies, and assess mastery.

Book covers from Vocabu-LitBook covers from Vocabu-Lit

Collage of artwork from the covers of the books whose excerpts appear in the seriesCollage of artwork from the covers of the books whose excerpts appear in the series

Unlock the Meaning of Words Through Authentic Literature

  • Develop self-directed learners with point-of-use strategies.
  • Practice and master work study through multiple exposures.
  • Apply close reading skills with authentic, high-quality texts.
  • Develop context clues to extract meaning.

Build a Foundation for Word Study

Students learn multiple ways to extract meaning by reading selections two times—the first to check understanding, the second to identify context clues for the Master Words.

Beginning of the year pre-tests help establish a baseline of where the students are as they begin their word study.

Image of sample lesson look – inside.Image of sample lesson look – inside.

Sample pages of word study exercisesSample pages of word study exercises

Research-Based Strategies Make Learning Stick

Students unlock word meaning through context clues and develop mastery using multiple research-based vocabulary strategies.

  • Words in context—all Master Words come from excerpts of high-quality texts including contemporary fiction, nonfiction, speeches, and primary sources.
  • Close reading—each lesson begins with students extracting context clues from the text to generate meaning for the Master Words.
  • Dictionary skills—by using the built-in dictionary, students compare their definitions to standard definitions, helping them identify both substantive and more nuanced differences.
  • Multiple exposures—a series of exercises of increasing complexity test recall and usage of the words in multiple forms.
  • Writing—short writing exercises ensure students can use the Master Words in their writing and speaking.

Develop & Measure Word Retention

  • Unit Word Study—a review follows every five lessons and features classic roots and affixes and a section that focuses on idioms and sayings, academic vocabulary, or figurative language.
  • A Unit Assessment features words in context.
  • A Unit Writing Activity expands vocabulary learning.
  • Additional lesson, unit, and full-course tests are available as consumable Test Booklets.
Sample pages of the unit word studySample pages of the unit word study

Sample pages of teacher guideSample pages of teacher guide

All the Support You Need

  • Answers are included in the Teacher Edition.
  • Additional lesson, unit, and full-course tests are available as consumable Test Booklets.
  • NEW for 2023! ACT/SAT practice for grades 9–12 in the interactive edition.

Vocabu-Lit is the greatest tool I have seen for vocabulary acquisition and it really delivers results. It will bump up your school’s results when used with fidelity. It is for every student (G&T, SpEd, Gen Ed) in the class. Vocabu-Lit is really an exceptional resource to teach the solid, foundational vocabulary skills students need to be successful.”

Deborah Moore

Cleveland Heights, University Heights City Schools

Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Interactive Editions

Interactive Editions include a range of digital learning tools to improve comprehension, use context clues, and assess proficiency.

  • Presents virtually all exercises in an auto-scored, digital format—saving teacher time and allowing for targeted intervention when necessary.
  • Includes highlighting, annotation, and note-taking tools designed to help students identify and transfer context clues.
  • Each lesson mirrors the print format for flexible online or blended implementation.
  • Increase text comprehension with Immersive Reader as needed.
  • Improve ability to extract context clues with interactive text.
  • Save time with auto-scored exercises.
  • Identify struggling learners using reporting features.
  • Assess progress with lesson, unit, and summative tests

Additional Resources

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Lesson Planner Guides

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